For Sale IconAllende CV3 Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorites for Sale

Location: The village of Pueblito de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico, 26° 58'N, 105° 19'W

Fell: February 8, 1969, 7h05m GMT.

Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite, type CV3.

Description: The huge fireball lit up thousands of square miles of Northern Mexico and Southwestern United States. The fireball travelled from south to north. A meteorite shower spread over 50 square kilometers area. There are several pits; the biggest one is 60 cm across and 15 cm deep. Search and preliminary investigation of the meteorites were carried out by Dr. E. King (NASA), Drs. B. Mason and R. Clarke (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA) and others. Click here to find out more about the Allende meteorite--where it fell (North-central Mexico) the story of its fall in February of 1969 what it is made of why scientists think this may be the oldest rock on Earth.

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database.

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# AM2-015 # AM2-113 # AM2-115 # AM2-216 ABOUT SCALE
Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: 2.0 gm Weight: 2.1 gm Weight: 2.1 gm Weight: 2.2 gm
Features: Fragment 50% crust Features: Crusted individual Features: Fragment Features: Cut fragment
Price: $65 Price: $68 Price: $68 Price: $71

# AM2-217 # AM2-617 # AM2-717 # AM2-819 # AM2-820
Weight: 2.2 gm Weight: 2.6 gm Weight: 2.7 gm Weight: 2.8 gm Weight: 2.8 gm
Features: Individual 70% crust Features: Cut fragment with a bit of crust Features: Cut fragment Features: Fragment Features: Fragment
Price: $85 Price: $87 Price: $83 Price: $89 Price: $89

# AM2-98 # AM2-913 # AM3-013 # AM3-321 # AM3-213
Weight: 2.9 gm Weight: 2.9 gm Weight: 3.0 gm Weight: 3.3 gm Weight: 3.2 gm
Features: Cut fragment Features: Fragment Features: Fragment Features: Fragment Features: Cut fragment
Price: sold Price: $92 Price: $95 Price: $95 Price: $104

#AM3-87 # AM3-99 # AM4-117 # AM5-06 # AM7-61
Weight: 3.8 gm Weight: 3.9 gm Weight: 4.1 gm Weight: 5.0 gm Weight: 7.6 gm
Features: Fragment 40% crust Features: Cut fragment 45% crust Features: Fragment 10% crust Features: Fragment 30% crust Features: Cut individual 50% crust
Price: $109 Price: $122 Price: $128 Price: $ 155 Price: $233

# AM10-8
Weight: 10.8 gm
Features: Group of crusted fragments
Price: $300