For Sale IconNWA 5491 CV3 Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorites for Sale

Location: Northwest Africa, exact location unknown.

Found: 2007.

Type: CV3 Carbonaceous Chondrite.

Description: History: Purchased by Eric Twelker in September 2007 from a dealer in Taliouine, Morocco. Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and P. Carpenter, WUSL ) Well-formed granular, BO and PO chondrules (apparent diameter 710 ± 450 µm, N = 25) plus irregularly-shaped, very fine grained CAI are set in a fine grained matrix (~20 vol.%, sepia brown in thin section). Accessory phases include kamacite, taenite, Cr- magnetite and pentlandite. One unusual chondrule contains barred olivine plus interstitial melilite accompanied by minor gypsum . Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa 20.4±21.3 , range Fa 1.7-59.2 , N = 8), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs 0.8±0.1 Wo 1.0±0.5 , range Fs 0.8-0.9 Wo 0.7-1.6 , N =3), diopside (Fs 0.8±0.4 Wo 43.8±0.6 , range Fs 0.0.5-1.1 Wo 44.2-43.3 , N =23), magnetite (Cr 2 O 3 = 1.2-1.5 wt.%, N = 2). Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3).

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database .

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# NWA5491-5-6 # NWA5491-5-72 # NWA5491-6-81 # NWA5491-6-21 About Scale:  Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: 5.6 gm Weight: 5.7 gm Weight: 6.8 gm Weight: 6.2 gm
Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice
Price:  sold Price:  $62 Price:  $87 Price:  $67

# NWA5491-11-1 # NWA5491-18-2 # NWA5491-18-3 # NWA5491-20-0 # NWA5491-20-8
Weight: 11.1 gm Weight: 18.2 gm Weight: 18.3 gm Weight: 20.0 gm Weight: 20.8 gm
Features: Slice of fragment Features: End Features: Slice Features: Slice Features: Slice
Price:  $138 Price:  sold Price:  sold Price:  sold Price:  sold