For Sale IconNWA 8402 Mesosiderite A3 Meteorites for Sale

Location: Northwest Africa, exact location unknown.

Found: 2014

Type: Mesosiderite (group A3)

Description: Physical characteristics: Single stone with irregular dark gray-brown exterior. Saw cut reveals numerous spherical metal domains >1 mm, but also abundant fine-grained metal distributed uniformly throughout. Silicate clasts >1 mm, some fragmental, others rounded or texturally equilibrated. Abundant fine-grained silicate groundmass. Petrography: Microprobe examination of a polished mount shows pyroxene making up approximately 75% of the silicate portion of this meteorite, ~25% plagioclase, ~5% silica. Pyroxene grains in section up to 1 mm, some poikiloblastic; plagioclase up to 500 μm, but also finer-grained intergranular; numerous intersertal silica laths up to 200 μm in length and ~10 μm thick; no olivine detected. Metal makes up approximately 40% of this meteorite and is primarily segregated into domains >1 mm, although there are scattered smaller (~10 μm) grains throughout the silicate domains. No brecciation observed. Minor oxidation of metal and a few weathering veinlets. Geochemistry: Low-Ca pyroxene Fs37.4±0.3Wo3.2±0.1, Fe/Mn=22±1, n=3; high-Ca pyroxene Fs18.6±0.1Wo39.9±0.0, Fe/Mn=18±0, n=2; plagioclase An90.2±1.8Ab9.2±1.8Or0.6±0.1, n=6; kamacite Fe=93.7±0.1, Ni=6.2±0.0 (wt%), n=2; taenite Fe=62.0±5.8, Ni=37.9±5.8 (wt%), n=2. Classification: Mesosiderite-A3. Relatively high abundance of plagioclase and silica consistent with group A. Segregated metal, presence of some texturally and chemically equilibrated silicates, and absence of brecciation consistent with type 3.

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database.

# NWA8402-4-9 # NWA8402-6-8 # NWA8402-8-2 # NWA8402-8-4 About Scale:  Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: 4.9 gm Weight: 6.8 gm Weight: 8.2 gm Weight: 8.4 gm
Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice.
Price: sold sold sold sold

# NWA8402-9-3 # NWA8402-9-4 # NWA8402-10-3 # NWA8402-10-8 # NWA8402-74-2
Weight: 9.3 gm Weight: 9.4 gm Weight: 10.3 gm Weight: 10.8 gm Weight: 74.2 gm
Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice. Features: Part slice.
sold sold sold sold sold