For Sale IconNWA 869 L3-6 Brecciated Chondrite Meteorite for Sale

Location: Nortwest Africa, location unknown.

Found: 2000.

Type: L3-6 Regolith Breccia

Description: History: It is quite clear that meteorite collectors in Northwest Africa have discovered a large L chondrite strewnfield at an undisclosed location.  At least 2 metric tons of material comprising thousands of individuals have been sold under the name NWA 869 in the marketplaces of Morocco and around the world.  Individual masses are known to range from <1 g  to >20 kg.  It is certain that NWA 869 is paired with other NWA meteorites, although no systematic survey has been done.  It is also possible that some stones sold as NWA 869 are not part of the same fall, although dealers are confident that most of the known masses are sufficiently distinctive from other NWA meteorites in terms of surface and internal appearance that the error rate should be fairly low.  Scientists are advised to confirm the classification of any specimens they obtain before publishing results under this name. Petrography, Composition and Classification: (A. Rubin, UCLA) A fragmental breccia of type 4-6 material; one thin section dominated by an L5 lithology gave olivine = Fa24.2. Classification: Ordinary Chondrite (L4-6); S3, W1.

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database.

THE L3-6 REGOLITH BRECCIA NORTHWEST AFRICA 869: PETROLOGY, NOBLE GASES, AND COSMOGENIC RADIONUCLIDES, K. Metzler, U. Ott, K. Welten, M. W. Caffee, and L. Franke, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (2008).

Some of the slices and whole specimens on this page have been cleaned to show their petrologic features and crust better.

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# NWA869SM # NWA869-19-32 #NWA869-21-6 # NWA869-32-41 About Scale:  Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: Varies—mostly more than 8g Weight: 19.3 g Weight: 21.6g Weight: 32.4 g
Features: Small individuals and fragments. Features: Individual. Features: Individual Features: Individual.
Price: $0.60/g—$25 minimum. $24 $27 $37

# NWA869-32-81 # NWA869-34-8 # NWA869-39-9 # NWA869-40-64 # NWA869-78-4
Weight: 32.8 g Weight: 34.8 g Weight: 39.9 g Weight: 40.6 g Weight: 78.4 g
Features: Individual. Features: Individual. Features: Individual. Features: Individual. Features: Individual.
$38 $40 $45 $46 sold

# NWA869-78-7 # NWA869-256-4 # NWA869-378-3 #NWA869-301-8 #NWA869-355-2
Weight: 78.7 g Weight: 256.4 g Weight: 378.3 g Weight: 301.8 g Weight: 355.2 g
Features: Individual. Features: Individual. Features: Individual. Features: Individual Features: Individual
sold $251 $325 sold sold

Weight: 712.9 g
Features: Individual