For Sale IconSwayyah 002 Martian Basalt Meteorites for Sale

Location:    Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara, 26.707°N, 8.936°W

Found: 2019

Type: Martian meteorite (Shergottite)

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Description: History: Multiple stones (the largest weighing 3092 g) were found in early 2019. The majority of this material was purchased in February 2019 by Darryl Pitt from a Mauritanian dealer. One stone (100.34 g) was also purchased by Eric Twelker in February 2019 and two stones (total 98 g) were purchased by Ben Hoefnagels from Aziz Habibi in May 2019.Finally a stone (92.6 g) was acquired in October 2019 by Luc Labenne from a dealer in Zagora, Morocco. Physical characteristics: The stones lack fusion crust but in parts exhibit a desert weathering patina coating. Interiors have a mottled greenish-gray appearance. Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and P. Carpenter, WUSL) Diabasic texture (mean grainsize 0.7 mm). Composed mainly of zoned clinopyroxene and maskelynite with accessory Cr-Ti-bearing magnetite, ilmenite, chlorapatite, pyrrhotite and rare baddeleyite. Grains of Fe-Ti oxides and clinopyroxene exhibit minor orange staining, and there are some thin veinlets of secondary calcite. Sparse glassy shock melt pockets are present. Geochemistry: Subcalcic augite (Fs21.4-22.1Wo35.4-33.6, FeO/MnO = 26-28, N = 3), pigeonite (Fs30.8Wo13.1, FeO/MnO = 28), ferroan pigeonite (Fs50.8-63.3Wo17.2-12.8, FeO/MnO = 35-38, N = 4), maskelynite (An57.8Or1.0). Bulk composition (A. Falster, MMGM): analyses by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry on cut surfaces of three specimens gave (in wt.%): SiO2 48.56, TiO2 1.15, Al2O3 12.00, Cr2O3 0.11, FeO 15.68, MnO 0.45, MgO 6.47, CaO 12.84, K2O 0.03, P2O5 1.18.

Classification: Shergottite (diabasic).


Click here to find out more about Mars Meteorites and how we know they are from Mars.
Link to Dr. Anthony Irving's Martain Meteorite Page

Link to Meteoritical Bulletin Database.

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#SWA002-400 #SWA002-503 #SWA002-623 #SWA002-647 About Scale:  Each photo has a small one centimeter cube.  That's a little less than a half inch on a side.  The coin above is a US dime.
Weight: 0.400 gm Weight: 0.503 gm Weight: 0.623 gm Weight: 0.647 gm
Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice
Price: sold Price: $156 Price: sold Price: sold

#SWA002-697 #SWA002-721 #SWA002-1-005 #SWA002-1-124 #SWA002-1-149
Weight: 0.697 gm Weight: 0.721 gm Weight: 1.005 gm Weight: 1.124 gm Weight: 1.149 gm
Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice Features: Part slice
Price: $214 Price: $221 Price: sold Price: sold Price: $350

#SWA002-1-372 #SWA002-1-662 #SWA002-1-901 #SWA002-3-182 #SWA002-4-374
Weight: 1.372 gm Weight: 1.662 gm Weight: 1.901 gm Weight: 3.182 gm Weight: 4.374 gm
Features: Part slice Features: Slice Features: Slice Features: Slice Features: Slice
Price: $417 Price: $504 Price: sold Price: $960 Price: $1317

Weight: 6.024 gm
Features: Slice
Price: $1812